Sunday, April 5, 2009

Touch a Truck and a bit of Nature

So my city is wonderful and has several fairs thought the year. One of them this year was Clown day and Touch a Truck. During this day they invite all the city and county groups to bring out their equipment for the kids to look at and climb all over (the honking was ear splitting). We saw old police cars, garbage trucks, semi trucks, recycling trucks, street sweepers, buses and of course the fire truck. The care flight helicopter landed and took off from the park right in front of the kids. It was great. And as always we have a much better time when we have friends to enjoy the day with. In the picture above is Noodle, Pip, Popeye, Pearl and Jason.

They also invited several other vendors and below are some pictures of Noodle and his friends Pip and Popeye checking out the butterfly garden. The children learn all about the life cycle of the butterfly at school and just loved holding them and how beautiful they looked in person.

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